Minnesota Bicycle & Pedestrian Accidents

Accidents involving bicycles and pedestrians can be complex. The injuries are typically far more severe than any sustained within the protective cavity of an automobile. They can involve:
- One or more automobiles
- Commercial trucks
- Motorcycles
- Other Bicycles
- Other Pedestrians
- Semi static items like removable sewer grate covers
- Permanent fixtures like bike paths
- Obstacles like improperly placed construction signs
- Numerous other obstacles creating hazards to people on foot or bike
Immediate medical attention is often unavoidable following a bicycle or pedestrian accident, although at times a person’s adrenaline interferes with the ability to appreciate the seriousness of injury. Take immediate action after a bicycle or pedestrian accident to seek medical attention and have your injuries evaluated.
Bicycle or pedestrian accidents, are likely to have many financial implications, including:
- Liability disputes
- Insurance coverage
- Lost wages
- Massive medical expenses
- Health insurance reimbursement obligations
- And so much more
The extent of damage to a body, a person’s life, and finances is often uncertain until many months have passed. It is always wisest to anticipate the worst while hoping for the best.
Seeking counsel from a qualified personal injury attorney should be handled immediately, to ensure:
- All evidence is preserved
- You are properly counseled when presenting insurance claims
- Your interests are represented in the pursuit of fair and reasonable compensation for your injuries
All too often an individual attempts to manage these issues alone, only to find that they are misled, stressed and frustrated, under-compensated, and feel re-victimized by the system. Even if you’ve been attempting to manage the claim alone for months, you may find that you are no longer comfortable without assistance. It may not be too late, so don’t delay any longer.
Working with Denise Fullerton of Fullerton Law, P.A. will provide you with the comfort of personalized, compassionate, and aggressive legal representation. Having a highly qualified Minnesota personal injury attorney like Denise eliminates the uncertainty and stress of handling the claim either alone or with under-qualified counsel. Contact Denise now, for a free consultation and some peace of mind.